Basically, Zeus was found roaming in between traffic back in December, the lady who found him and took him in couldn’t keep him because she had older grumpy dogs at home, she was a rescuer but only usually cats & horses, it was late at night and he didn’t have a microchip and so we said we could look after him until his owners were found, but no one ever came forward for him. He was going to stay with us until she found him a home in Europe or got him under a shelter but 1. We’d already decided we would adopt him and 2. Once she realized we were Albi’s parents (her husky died due to a negligent vet here) she asked us if we were ready for another doggy and that’s pretty much it on how we got him
Life with him is its own story he was pretty independent when he came to us, not into cuddles or playing or really anything and super quiet for a husky but all his blood work came back normal, one vet said he was 7 months and another 1.5years but he has come out of his shell more now and his cheekiness has come out, he runs the house basically but he has become more cuddly and loving thankfully .
The hardest part is the separation anxiety, we never experienced it with Albi so it’s a whole different ball game, he’s chewed sofas, mattresses, harnesses, doors, you name it he has chewed it but since we found you guys (obviously we weren’t loving the idea of daycare after Albi) he’s happy playing the day away with his friends and after his off, he’s been much calmer at home and less destructive. Whenever we go out anywhere he has to be the centre of attention and meet everybody but I guess he gets that from his dad
Oh and he’s a real mummy’s boy as much as his dad hates to admit it